We believe in the importance of anchoring our day in prayer. For this reasons we have prayer through our PA system every morning and afternoon.
The prayers vary as we honor liturgical seasons, feast days and the lives of the saints. Our junior high school students lead the prayer and even help to write them!
Our students have the unique opportunity to attend “Chapel Time” once a week during religion class. During this time, students spend time in prayer in the presence of Jesus in the Tabernacle. While students learn the valuable knowledge of the Faith in the classroom, children get to experience God’s love in action in the Chapel. During this time, the campus minister speaks to the children about personal prayer, about the love of God the Father, focuses on the example of the Saints, and delves into Scripture.
We believe that it is important for young Catholics to develop the habit of silence and being in the presence of Jesus. For this reason, classes enjoy the gift of chapel time every week. Chapel time gives students time in our school chapel to talk to Jesus. Just as developing relationships with family and friends often includes spending time with one another, we want to give students time throughout their week to spend this time with God to develop a personal relationship with Him.
Chapel time is structured differently depending on the developmental needs of the different grade levels. We do this to help every child learn how to pray and how to get to know Him in different ways.
Because of this, Chapel Time offers activities that are visual, auditory, tactile and reading / writing. We want them to know Jesus throughout Scripture and learn the ways they can talk to Him. We encourage questions and seek to walk the journey of faith with every child.
We teach different devotions throughout the year and pray them as a school community. Every weekly Mass begins with a decade of the rosary led by our students. Individual classes also pray devotions as it fits into the liturgical season or curricular content.
We want our students to know the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us in the life of holiness. For this reason, we pray to our saints as a school community. In November, we host our All Saints Festival and ask our 4 - 6th graders to research saints to put on a festival for the rest of the school.