Giving kids the best possible foundation to grow up happy, healthy, and connected to the world around them is a goal many families share. That’s why more parents are choosing to wait until at least the end of 8th grade before giving their children a smartphone. We know smartphones can be useful, but they also come with challenges—social media pressures, distractions from schoolwork, and less real-world connection. Research shows that waiting can help kids develop stronger friendships, better focus, and healthier habits.
The great thing is, we don’t have to do this alone! By joining together as a school community, we can make waiting the norm, not the exception. When more families commit, it helps remove the “but everyone else has one” argument and makes it easier for all of us.
Yes there are. We understand that some children may need to be able to communicate with family and friends. Thankfully, there are a lot of alternatives to smartphones that don’t carry the same risks.
When you are considering what communication device is best for your child, it is important first to ask what is the purpose of the device? In other words, why does my child need a phone? If calling and texting is all that is needed, we encourage parents to consider a basic phone or a smartwatch before a smartphone. The majority of problems associated with smartphones are because of the access to an internet browser and to the app store. In some cases, it may be easier and even cheaper to give your child your old iPhone instead of buying a basic phone. The cost and time are well worth the investment. Please consider these basic communication devices before getting your child a smartphone.
The pledge will empower parents to rally together to delay the smartphone at least until the end of 8th grade. By banding together, this will decrease the pressure within the child’s grade to have a smartphone.
By signing the online pledge, you promise not to give your child a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade as long as at least 10 families total from your child’s grade and school pledge. Once 10 families have pledged to delay the smartphone, you will be notified that the pledge is in effect! You will receive a list of families who are delaying from your child’s grade and emails for the parents. It is helpful to be connected with other families waiting in your child’s grade.
We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization. We may contact you in the future to update you on the pledge and when it is in effect for your grade. You will receive an email along with the other parents from your grade and school that sign the pledge when the pledge goes into effect. Your personal information will not be made public on this site.
No! It is never too late to change your mind as a parent. Please share with your child that many families in their grade have decided that it is better to wait to have a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. You can discuss with your child the many reasons families in their community are waiting until children are older for the smartphone. If your family is used to communicating with the phone and cannot go back to no phone for the child, another option would be to replace the child's smartphone with a basic phone that just calls and texts. Switching from a smartphone to a basic phone will help protect your child from the many dangers of the smartphone.
If this resonates with you, we invite you to learn more and consider signing the Wait Until 8th pledge. There’s no pressure—just an opportunity to think about what’s best for your family. Together, we can create a culture that supports our kids in growing up at their own pace. Just sign the pledge form. It will automatically connect you to our school community in the pledge form.