Family (Parents and Students) Handbook

Together as students, parents, faculty and staff, we share in our mission and seek to grow as disciples of Christ each day. These policies and procedures are designed to guide and help us live in community with one another. As we follow policies, we are also intentional about growing in virtue. Thank you for being a part of the OLGC family and on the journey with us!

Handbook Highlights

Policies for Every Day

Daily School Schedule

Main Campus

  • 7:45am Doors Open for Drop-Off

  • 8:00am School Begins (students arriving later than this are tardy)

  • 11:30 - 1:30pm: Lunch/Recess are staggered by grade levels.

  • 3:10pm Dismissal

NOTE: Half Day Dismissal = 11:10am

Pre-K Campus

  • ​​Doors open at 8:00am (Gym Doors)

  • After 8:10am – gym doors close, students should be dropped off at Main Entrance/Doors by playground

Half Day Pre-K 3/4 pick up

  • Doors open at 11:30am

  • After 11:45am – gym doors close, parents must come to Main Entrance/Doors by playground to pick up

Full Day Pre-K ¾ pick up

  • Doors open at 2:30pm

  • After 2:45pm – gym doors close, parents must come to Main Entrance / Doors by playground to pick up

Half Day Pick up – All Pre-K

  • Doors open at 10:50am

  • After 11:00am – gym doors close, parents must come to Main Entrance / Doors by playground to pick up

Attendance Policy

Good attendance is essential to successful school performance and to form healthy habits to assume future educational and occupational responsibilities.

ARRIVAL: 7:45 - 8:00am (Students are considered late after 8:00am) Students enter through main doors.

DISMISSAL: 3:10pm (Parents who will be late, should call the Main Office prior to 3:00pm. Consistent problems will require a student to be enrolled in our after-school care program.

Absence Reporting

Call the school absence line at 734-453-3620 by 8:30am to report an absence. Unless reported, the student will be considered absent unexcused.

Checking a Student Out Early

  • Call the office to let them know. Parents must designate who will be picking up their child

  • The parent, or authorized person, must come to the School Office to sign out the child and may be asked to provide identification before the student will be dismissed from the classroom.

Excused Absences

All student absences are considered unexcused until the school receives a verbal or signed, written excuse from the parent/guardian. More than 5 excused absences over consecutive days require a doctor’s note or a pre-arranged absence form. Consult teacher policies regarding make-up/late work.

Unexcused Absences

Any absences that are not defined above are considered unexcused absences. Students who have unexcused absences and their parent/guardian will be required to meet with the administration. At the discretion of the administration, the student may not be permitted to make-up missed work and may not be eligible for re-enrollment.

Behavior Expectations in Every Day Places


  • Students are expected to listen and follow all teacher directions. Possible consequences: Staff/student conference, removal from situation, referral to the administration, parent/guardian notification, parent/guardian meeting, loss of recess privileges, in-school suspension, suspension.


  • Students are to walk quietly in an orderly fashion through the halls at all times. This allows for other classrooms to continue instruction without disturbance.

  • Possible consequences: Staff/student conference, removal from situation, referral to the administration, parent/guardian notification, parent/guardian meeting, loss of recess privileges, in-school suspension, suspension.


  • Students are expected to respect the rights of others and act responsibly in restrooms. Any misuse of towels, toilet paper, soap, defacing of restroom facilities, and the like, constitutes destruction of property.

  • Possible consequences: Staff/student conference, loss of independent restroom privileges, supervised restroom visits, referral to the administration, fines for damages, loss of recess privileges, parent/guardian contact, parent/guardian meeting, in-school suspension, suspension


  • The lunchroom should be a safe, comfortable, inviting, and clean environment where all interactions between students and adults are respectful. Students are expected to follow directions the first time they are given. They must use inside voices while enjoying their lunch, stay seated unless given permission to move by an adult, keep their eating space clean, and practice good manners. For health reasons, children are not allowed to share food of any kind with others.

  • Possible Consequences: Verbal warning, move to an assigned seat, exclusion from the lunchroom, loss of recess time; suspension.


  • The playground should be a safe, pleasant, friendly environment where all interactions between students and adults are respectful. Students are expected to follow directions the first time they are given. They must walk in an orderly fashion to the playground, use the equipment responsibly, show respect for others by using appropriate language and leave the playground only when permission is given by an adult in charge.

  • Possible Consequences: Verbal warning, recess privileges contained to an assigned area, staff/student conference, removal from situation, referral to the administration


Healthy communication builds relationships and creates a positive culture. OLGC strives for all stakeholders: administrators, teachers, staff, parents and students to use proactive means for communication and to stay connected.

Our main forms of communication are:

  1. Weekly Newsletter: Crusader Connection emailed home through Flocknote on Fridays. Main point of communication

  2. Text Messages/Voicemails: for emergencies and to remind parents of events/activities.

  3. Facebook Page: builds community and shows the life of the community. (OLGC Parish School)

  4. Webpage: hub of communication for forms, policies, procedures, and to understand the life of our community. This is most helpful for new families. (

  5. FACTS: student information system to access grades, see financial information, pay tuition, and find contact information of classroom parents. Teachers will also email parents through FACTs and send notifications about behaviors.

Tips to Communicate Concerns:

  1. The 24 hour rule: wait 24 hours before reaching out to or responding when emotions are high

  2. Seek to Understand: ask questions and listen when you have concerns

  3. Call the Teacher First: when you have a questions/concerns about a classroom procedure or situation.

  4. Ask the Appropriate Administrator:
    1. Principal: Catholic identity, vision, mission, unresolved concerns

    2. Dean of Discipline: behavior issues

    3. Assistant Principal: curriculum concerns

    4. Counselor: Learning/Social/Emotional concerns

    5. Administrative Assistant: tuition or financial issues

Dress Code

OLGC School Uniform Policy

  • Students should be dressed in their daily uniform

  • Gym uniforms are worn only on student gym days or spirit days

  • Shoes are to be dress (less than one inch) or athletic shoes in any color. All shoes must be closed toed and have backs. (No sandals, flip flops, Crocs, clogs or slippers etc. Flashing lights and wheels are not permitted. Extreme high tops/boots (largely above ankle/lower leg area) are not permitted.)

  • Spirit Days will be announced throughout the school year. Students may dress in Crusader/sports t-shirts and/or sweatshirts with school uniform bottoms (gym uniform bottoms are ok).

  • On designated Theme Days students may dress according to the theme.

  • Out of uniform dress days are rare but dress must be modest and school appropriate
    • Students can wear slacks, jeans, athletic pants, etc. (No holes or frayed edges), sweaters, sweatshirts or T-shirts (no tank tops, pajama pants, or inappropriate slogans or pictures.

    • Leggings may only be worn under jumpers or skirts–not alone as pants.

    • Hair code standards are the same as on uniform days.

    • Socks must be worn and shoe standards are the same as on uniform days.

    • No costumes may be worn unless coinciding with a theme day.

    • OLGC upholds the value of modesty. Immodest clothing of any kind is never permitted. No tight fitting or clingy clothing, bare shoulders, bare backs, midriff tops, “yoga type” knit pants, and shorts/skirts over one inch above the knee. Any tops revealing or low cut are prohibited. Administration reserves the right to determine what is immodest.

Hair for Boys

Should be an appropriate length, i.e. not so long that it is in the boy’s eyebrows, over the top of the ear, or below the top of his shirt collar. Hair should be neat, clean and properly maintained. No unnatural hair coloring

Hair for Girls

Limit excessive, large, or distracting hair accessories, and extreme or fancy hairstyles.

No unnatural hairstyles

Jewelry/Body Art/Make-up/Accessories

  • Girls are allowed to wear small earrings. More than one earring per lobe is not permitted.

  • 7-8th grade may wear neutral colored nail polish (no fake nails) and make up in moderation. Bringing make-up to school is not permitted.

  • Make-up in Y5/K-6 is not allowed.

  • Body art of any kind (including temporary ones) is not permitted.

  • A single necklace or bracelet consisting of a cross or Catholic medal/art may be worn.

  • Smart watches are considered devices and covered under the Electronic Information Access and Use for Educational Purposes policy.

  • No hats allowed to be worn inside.

PLEASE NOTE: No handbook can cover every situation regarding a dress code. The school administration has the final decision on all matters pertaining to dress code.

Dress Code 24 25
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

General Parking Lot Guidelines:

  1. Signs on Arthur and William Streets prohibit STOPPING, STANDING, AND PARKING on any weekday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

  2. Students must not be dropped off or picked up on William, Irvin or Arthur streets.

  3. There is no parking in the school lot between 10:45 am and 1:30pm for recess.

  4. All students returning to school after an appointment should enter through the front door.

For the safety of our students, please follow these guidelines:

  • Be attentive to children walking when driving anywhere in the school zone.

  • Observe process and procedures for drop-off/pick-up.

  • DO NOT block open streets or driveways with cars, bikes or small groups as you are waiting.

  • Remind students not to run into the streets during pick-up/drop-off.

  • Be attentive to the direction of the adult volunteers.

  • Remind family members/babysitters doing drop-off or pick-up of these safety guidelines.

  • Be courteous to and respectful of our neighbors and their property.


  • ALL students enter through the Main entrance doors (under the green awning).

  • Once students enter the building, they should walk independently to their classroom. Parents should remain outside to make a smooth transition. Staff will be on hand to assist you.

  • Any parent visiting the school must sign in at the Main Office for a visitor’s pass.

  • The tardy bell rings at 8:00 a.m. and all doors will be locked. If you arrive after this time, you must park your car and sign your child(ren) into school at the front office.

Entrance from Arthur: Cars may enter ONLY from the William Street driveway.

  1. Pull up in a single file line all the way up to the exit on Arthur St.

  2. Students in the car should be ready to exit the vehicle when you reach the unloading zone. Please stay in your car. Only children should exit the vehicle.

  3. Student Safeties, parent volunteers and staff members will be at the unloading zone. Please pull your car all the way forward, come to a complete stop, and allow the volunteers to open your car door.

  4. Cars may exit ONLY from the Arthur Street driveway. Traffic must turn right on Arthur Street.

Entrance from Irvin: Cars may enter ONLY from the Irvin Street driveway.

  1. Pull up into a designated lane, or behind a car in a designated lane.

  2. You may exit your vehicle and escort your student to the main entrance to enter the building.

  3. Cars may exit ONLY from the William Street driveway, after the 8am bell has rang.

  4. For the safety of the children, please use the sidewalks. Do not cross the parking lot.


  • Student exit doors will be different. K - 2nd grade will exit through classroom doors. K-2 students are released once the teacher sees the parent. Other grades will exit from the main doors near their grade level wing.

  • Parents should walk their child to their parked car.

  • Return to your car and await the dismissal line departure.

Entrance from Arthur

  • Cars park in rows in the parking lot facing North.

  • Safeties dismiss cars one line at a time onto Arthur Street (turn right only)

Entrance from Irvin

  • All cars park in rows in the parking lot facing North. Both sides of the parking lot will be used.

  • Cars dismiss one line at a time onto William Street (turn left only).

Field Trips

Field Trip Student Policy

  • Students must have a valid, signed permission slip turned in to his/her homeroom teacher the day before the field trip. Students without permission slips may be sent home.

  • School rules apply to bus trips and field trip sites. Parents may be called to pick up students for serious violations of school rules.

  • Buses are used for transportation of students for all field trips. Cost will be incorporated into field trip fees and charged through FACTS.

  • Students with consistent behavioral issues will forfeit their right to attend any scheduled field trip at the discretion of the staff and administration. No refunds will be given.

  • Students/chaperones must be on time to leave for the trip as the bus will not be able to wait.

Hot Lunch Program

Hot lunch is brought in from area restaurants and is pre-ordered one month in advance from a calendar-style menu, which lists the lunch items for each day. Be attentive to the deadline each month to order lunch. No late orders can be placed. For students who bring a lunch, milk is available each day for purchase, unless otherwise indicated. Snacks are also available for purchase during lunch. To place an order go to

The Lunch Room

  • Help from parent volunteers is needed to help make the lunch program successful.

  • A peanut-free table is available at each lunch when it is needed.

  • For the safety of the students, glass bottles are highly discouraged.

  • Please pack a nutritious lunch for your child and refrain from bringing pop or other sugary items to school to drink.

  • Lunch brought in after the school day has begun, should be brought to the office where a label with the child’s name and room number will be placed on the lunch and a staff member will place it on the counter outside the main office for the student to grab.

Recess Policies

  • Students are expected to partake in daily-supervised outdoor recess.

  • Appropriate Clothing: Parents must make sure students have adequate outer clothing: cap/hat, mittens/gloves, raincoat or warm jacket, long pants or leg covers, scarf and boots. Please mark clothing with names. (We do keep a lost and found!)

Canceling Recess: The responsibility for canceling recess for any reason, such as inclement weather, rests with administration. Students will go outside for a full recess if the school weather unit indicates a 10˚ or higher wind chill. Outdoor recess will be canceled if the wind chill is 10˚ or below.

Grading Policies

Grading policies are linked to students' achievement in mastery of standards in academic, spiritual, physical and social progress as is appropriate for the content and grade level.

OLGC uses an AOD-based report card and grading scale. Pre-K through 3rd grade students are evaluated via standards each quarter in comparison to the traditional “letter grade” format.


93-100% - A

83-92% - B

72-82% - C

60-71% - D

59% or below - F


C = Consistently meets expectations

U = Usually meets expectations

O = Occasionally meets expectations

NY = Does Not Yet meet expectations

*If a student will be receiving an “O” or “NY” for conduct, parents are typically notified of ongoing behavior concerns prior to report cards. Those students will also receive a comment on the report card regarding concerns or behavior issues.


All decisions regarding retention are the responsibility of the principal in consultation with the teacher(s) and parent(s). Any decision concerning non-promotion must be made after considering all the factors related to the student’s development (academic, emotional, intellectual, physical, and social) collected from a wide range of sources throughout the year.

If a student is recommended for retention:

  • Teachers, administrators, learning support will meet as an MTSS team

  • The MTSS team will meet with parents to discuss remedial actions and possible retention.

  • Follow-up conferences with the parents will be held to evaluate the progress of the student.

  • Retention decisions are typically made at the end of the third quarter

  • No student shall be retained for more than one year at any given grade or level.Technology

Liturgy, Prayer and the Sacramental Life

Adoration: Once a month with priests

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (PreK-2nd grade): a special class on their weekly schedule

Chapel Time: Campus Minister leads time monthly for grade levels. Held in the school chapel

Confessions: held for 3rd - 8th graders at school during Advent and Lent

Daily Prayer: whole school in morning and afternoon


  • Grade Level Masses every week in the school chapel. Parents welcome to attend

  • All School Mass: once a month at church campus. Drop off begins at 7:45am. Parents are welcome to attend. One door entry into church with law enforcement on premises.


  • Grade level retreats for 5th - 8th grade

  • 2nd grade has Reconciliation Retreats and First Communion retreats as a part of religious formation

  • All School Retreats for Young 5’s - 8th grade during Advent and Lent

Make-Up Work When Absent

Homework will be sent home by the teachers if the child has been absent 3 or more days. Work that was assigned prior to the absence is due on the day the child returns to school. The student has as many days as s/he was absent to make up work. If a child is absent more than 5 consecutive days, s/he has as many days as s/he was absent plus 3 days to make up for missed work.

Pre-Arranged or Planned Absences

A student’s parent/guardian must give verbal or written notification of planned absences needed during the school day (doctor’s appointments, leaving early, etc.). Families planning an extended absence due to family business must notify the classroom teacher at least one week prior to the absence. It is not OLGC policy for homework to be given beforehand, however, teachers may choose to do so.

Media Release

In alignment with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), we value our families right to privacy for their child(ren). As we digitally document the life of our community, we ask that parents sign a media release at the time of enrollment to let us know whether or not your child’s picture may be used for promotional purposes in video or photography on our social media channels or print media. We do not publish student full names without the express permission of parents.

Please note that the following events are not included in the parent exclusion as they are public venues or events: Mass, assemblies, sporting events, graduation or whole school events when a student may be in a group photo/video.

Medications at School and Medical Emergencies

The State requires all medications given at school follow certain guideline.

  • Families must get a Release for Dispensing of MedicationForm signed by the parent/guardian and doctor must be on file in the office before any medication can be dispensed, non-prescription and/or prescription. (Verbal permission will not be accepted.) This includes cough drops.

  • Prescription medication must be in the original container and have the pharmacy label indicating the physician’s name, child’s name, and strength of the medication.

  • Medication must be given to the child listed on the label only and will be given in accordance to the label instructions.

  • The dosage for non-prescription medicine shall not exceed the label instructions for the particular age of the child.

  • No child will be allowed to take medicine without supervision.

  • A new Release for Dispensing of Medication Form, signed by a doctor, must be filled out each school year.

For Medical Emergencies

Parents are called for all medical emergencies, and are encouraged to take the child to a doctor or hospital for immediate help. If necessary, emergency personnel (9-1-1) are called before parents are notified. Children who are ill, such as high fever, nausea, etc., will be required to be picked up by a parent or family member as soon as possible.

Medication Release
Pesticides and Asbestos Checks

State of Michigan law requires that schools and day care centers that may apply pesticides on school property must provide an annual advisory to parents or guardians of students attending the facility.

Please be advised that OLGC Parish School utilizes an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to control pests. IPM is a pest management system that utilizes all suitable techniques In a total pest management system with the intent of preventing pests from reaching unacceptable levels or to reduce an existing population to an acceptable level. Pest management techniques emphasize sanitation, pest exclusion, and biological controls. One of the objectives of using an IPM approach is to reduce or eliminate the need for chemical applications of pesticides. However, certain situations may require the need for pesticides to be utilized.

The school community will receive advance notice regarding the non-emergency application of a pesticide such as an insecticide, fungicide or herbicide, other than a bait or gel formulation, that is made to the school grounds or buildings during this school year. Please note that notification is not given for the use of sanitizers, germicides, disinfectants or anti-microbial cleaners. In certain emergencies, such as an infestation of stinging insects, pesticides may be applied without prior notice to prevent injury to students, but you will be notified following any such application. Advance notification of pesticide applications, other than a bait or gel formulation, will be given by at least 2 methods. The first method will be by posting at the main entrance to the school. The second method will be through email with our school newsletter.

Please be advised that parents or guardians of children attending the school may review the school’s Integrated Pest Management program and records of any pesticide application upon request.

Annual Asbestos Inspections

OLGC Parish School has an asbestos Management Plan prepared in compliance with the USEPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). This plan and subsequent updates are available for review upon request.

As part of our asbestos management plan, OLGC undergoes a Six-month Periodic Surveillance review as well as a Three-year Re-inspection, required by the AHERA regulation, conducted by a Michigan Accredited Asbestos inspector to re-evaluate the condition of asbestos containing materials at the facility. The reviews and inspections also evaluate Operations and Maintenance procedures that will keep asbestos materials in good condition.

Placement: Homerooms and Classes

Final homeroom class lists are determined after conversations in the Spring with current teachers, next year’s teachers and the administrative team. The goal is to create a well-balanced and healthy learning environment based on the needs of each student. We are attentive to the ratio of boys to girls, different learning needs and social/emotional interactions between students.

Classroom assignments are released in FACTs before our annual Meet the Teacher event. No modifications to class lists can happen after homeroom lists are published.

School Closings and Emergencies

We value in-person instruction but sometimes need to close for inclement weather, building problems or other emergencies. If school will be canceled, we will communicate via text, email and/or voicemail. All Latchkey programs scheduled on the day of a school closing are also canceled.

If we need to close school early, we will communicate via text, email and/or voicemail. Our normal latchkey program will also be canceled. Please call the Main office if you know you will be late to pick up your child.

We use our FACTS system to notify parents when school must close due to unforeseen circumstances. Parents must make sure to update contact information annually on their enrollment forms. Parents can also edit their information throughout the year in their FACTS family portal if any changes need to be made.


OLGC believes in a healthy, balanced approach to using technology during our school day. We have a 1:1 iPad to student ratio. Each classroom also has a Clevertouch board for teaching. This is an interaction touchscreen display that allows teachers to interact with varying content on their screen essentially as an interactive whiteboard.

As part of our balanced philosophy, iPads are used only as a supplementary tool within the school day. As they age, students will learn how to care for, navigate and utilize many applications and functions within the tablet. The purpose of using technology within school is to offer students opportunities to become responsible, self-directed, lifelong learners and leaders.

We are also aware that many families and students own personal technology such as phones, smart watches etc. Technology is such a blessing within our world, but with it comes responsibility and thus requires some guidelines. The entire policy is included in our handbook and is required to be signed off on in agreement by each family annually.

Here is an "At a Glance" of OLGC's Technology Policy:

  • All school iPads, computers, Clevertouch boards etc. are school property even when within the use of student for school work purposes and should be treated as such
    • Students are expected to take care of technology while they are using them for schoolwork purposes. If any damages occur while using them, an investigation will occur and families may incur the cost if they are determined at fault.
    • Students may not take an iPad home without explicit permission from a teacher and/or Administration.
  • The school has the right to search, monitor, access and/or review all school devices/technology and files.
  • Student safety and security is taken very seriously. We provide a strong technology monitoring system on all devices with Securly which is a Cloud-based student safety and device management solution.
    • Concerning searches are flagged and Administration is notified to investigate.
  • Students are expected to behave online in the same way that they are in person--in a respectful manner.
    • The school reserves the right to take disciplinary action for inappropriate behavior done online during school hours or out of school hours if it negatively affects the school environment.
  • Cell phones, smart watches, personal iPads, laptops, beepers, electronic paging devices or personal radio devices are NOT allowed.
    • They must remain POWERED OFF and PUT AWAY in the student’s backpack at all times during school and Latchkey. Laser pointers and other disruptive devices will be confiscated.
  • Possible Consequences for Violations: Staff/student conference, confiscation of device for parent to pick up, parent notification, parent/guardian meeting, loss of privileges, in-school suspension, suspension.

Behavior Expectations

Our Code of Conduct is intended to promote positive behavior choices and reinforce the good habits of virtues. As mistakes happen and natural growth occurs, we implement consequences to encourage self-reflection and provide an opportunity to learn how to better make decisions.

Note: this is not an exhaustive list of behaviors and we reserve the right to address other issues which arise.

Check out how we teach virtue to reinforce positive behaviors Learn More on Education in Virtue

Code of Conduct Policies for Students


A student shall not engage in bullying : any written, verbal, physical act, or any electronic communication, including, but not limited to, cyberbullying (via social media or otherwise) that is intended or that a reasonable person would know is likely to harm one or more students, either directly or indirectly.

Bullying Results In:

  • interferes with educational opportunities, benefits, or programs for one or more students

  • adversely affecting a student’s ability to participate in educational programs or activities by placing a student in fear of physical harm or by causing emotional distress

  • having a detrimental effect on a student’s physical or mental health

  • causing substantial disruption in the orderly operation of the school

Bullying or Cyberbullying (through electronic means) meets the following criteria:

  • Is dehumanizing, intimidating, hostile, humiliating, threatening, or causes fear of physical harm or emotional distress

  • Is directed at one or more students

  • There is an imbalance of power

  • Is motivated either by prejudice based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, or a mental, physical, or sensory disability or impairment

  • Is conveyed through physical, verbal, technological or emotional means

  • Includes forms of retaliation against individuals who report or cooperate in an investigation

Harassment means any threatening or insulting language, use of technology (including social media), or written, verbal or physical conduct directed against a student or a group of students or a school employee that:

  • results in reasonable fear of harm to their person or damage to their property

  • interferes with a student’s educational performance and opportunities

  • has the effect of disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

The scope of this policy includes the prohibition of every form of bullying, harassment, and cyberbullying/harassment whether it is on the school premises or not. It includes instances which happen off-site and at hours other than school hours. By doing so, we protect and ensure the safety of students within the community.

Administration will investigate the nature of the bullying/harassment. It is important that students, teachers and parents report instances of bullying. Administration will examine the situation based on the criteria listed above. The scope of disciplinary action will be on a case-by-case basis and can result in consultation with law enforcement and a student’s suspension or expulsion from school based on the nature of the bullying.

OLGC School also prohibits any person from falsely accusing another as a means of bullying or harassment. The consequences and appropriate remedial action for a person found to have falsely accused another as a means of bullying or harassment may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion.

Electronic Devices and Communication

Cell phones, smart watches, personal i-pads, laptops, beepers, electronic paging devices or personal radio devices are not allowed. They must remain powered off and put away in the student’s backpack at all times. Laser pointers and other disruptive devices will be confiscated. Possible Consequences: Staff/student conference, confiscation of device for parent to pick up, parent notification, parent/guardian meeting, loss of privileges, in-school suspension, suspension.

Inappropriate Language and Postures: Teasing and Threats


This includes name-calling, put downs, making fun of the way someone talks or walks, making fun of someone's clothing or customs. Non-verbal examples include making faces, drawing inappropriate pictures, poking or pointing, and inappropriate hand gestures. Possible Consequences: Staff/student conference, referral to the administration, personal apology to student who was teased-- a letter of apology from the teaser must be signed by the teaser's parent(s) and returned to school the next day, loss of recess privileges, in-school suspension, suspension.


This includes any overt or implied verbal or physical threat. Examples include, but are not limited to, telling someone that you will hurt them whether in jest or as a serious suggestion, any conversation or discussion where you suggest action that will cause physical harm to someone, suggesting property destruction, and the like. Possible Consequences: Staff/student conference, referral to the administration, parent notification, parent/guardian meeting, loss of recess privileges, in-school suspension, suspension, recommendation for expulsion.

Physical Contact and Fighting

This is any form of physical confrontation and includes: play fighting, pushing, wrestling, hitting, punching, shoving, kicking, slapping, spitting or throwing harmful objects, etc. involving two or more people. Possible Consequences: Staff/student conference, removal from situation, referral to the administration, parent/guardian notification, parent/guardian meeting, loss of recess privileges, in-school suspension, suspension.

Sexual Harassment

It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Detroit and OLGC School to make every effort to provide an educational environment as well as a work environment, free from all forms of harassment. This policy applies to the actions of all faculty, staff and students at OLGC, as well as others who may be in a working relationship with the school.Administration should be notified of sexual harassment immediately. Administration may involve law enforcement in the investigation of the situation.

Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is personally offensive to some, and fails to respect the rights of others. Harassment can be either conduct or communication.

Sexual Harassment Includes

  • sexual innuendos

  • Inappropriate touching, gestures or language of a sexual nature

  • jokes of a sexual nature

  • sexual propositions

  • sexually suggestive pictures or cartoons

  • foul and obscene language, jokes or gestures

  • unwanted/unnecessary physical contact

  • unwelcome comments about appearance

  • Sexting

  • Intimidating, hostile or offensive language or behavior of a sexual nature

Consequences of Sexual Harassment

  • Any faculty or other staff member who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

  • Any staff member who receives a complaint of sexual harassment and fails to take corrective action pursuant to this policy is also subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

  • Students believed to have sexually harassed another will result in disciplinary action, up to and including exclusion from school.

  • Retaliation in any form against a person who brings a situation forward is unacceptable and will result in appropriate dis

Weapons Policy

A student shall not possess or use a weapon on school grounds, when being transported in vehicles to/from school, during a school-sponsored activity or event, and off school property when the conduct has a reasonable connection to school or any school-sponsored event. (see Michigan Legislature - Section 380 .1313)

A dangerous weapon is defined as:

  • A firearm, whether loaded or unloaded

  • Any pellet, BB gun or other device, whether operational or not, designed to propel projectiles by spring action or compressed air

  • A fixed blade knife with a blade that measures longer than three inches in length or a spring-loaded knife or a pocket knife with a blade longer than three inches

  • Any object, device, instrument, material, or substance used or intended to be used to inflict death or serious bodily injury including, but not limited to, slingshot, nunchakus, spring gun, throwing star, bludgeon, brass knuckles, or artificial knuckles of any kind

Any student discovered to be, or suspected of, carrying, possessing, concealing or transferring a weapon on school premises or in the immediate vicinity of the school shall be immediately excluded from classes pending investigation. A search can be conducted to verify the suspicion or clarify the discovery. It may include without prior warning an inspection and search of a student’s person, pockets (the student empties his/her own pockets), book bags, purse, lunch bag, locker, automobile, etc.

Any student found to be in violation of the school’s policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.

Parent Involvement

Guidelines for Volunteering

Safe Environment Certification

The Archdiocese of Detroit requires that every parent volunteer be certified through safe environments. Make sure you're up-to-date on your certification.

Learn More

Chaperoning and Volunteering in Classroom

Thank you for partnering with us in educational experiences for our students. Children are the most important gifts God has entrusted to us and so we ask you to follow this Code of Conduct for Volunteers.

A volunteer must:

  • Meet the guidelines in the Safe Environments Policy, including the Protecting God’s Children Workshop and background check.

  • Follow the directives of the teacher/staff.

  • Be attentive to any of the information given beforehand to volunteers regarding the event

  • Use positive reinforcement to redirect students

  • Be in control of his/her group at all times.

A volunteer is asked to refrain from:

  • Conducting personal business while with students

  • Using a cell phone while with students

  • Smoking or being under the influence of any substance

  • Using profanity or inappropriate language

  • Engaging in conversations/activities with others that may distract from the supervisory role

If a student is unruly or will not follow the directives of the adult in charge, he/she is to be immediately taken to the teacher. Do not use punitive discipline. Seek out the teacher for assistance.

Visitor Guidelines

We welcome collaboration and partnership with our parents and community. Help us keep our school safe by following our volunteer/visitor policy.

  • Parent volunteers must meet the AOD’s Safe Environment Policy including the Protecting God’s Children Workshop.

  • All visitors are required to sign in to the Main Office and obtain a Visitor’s Pass. ID required.

  • Approved visitors must wear visitor passes in the building.

  • Visitors must sign out at the Main Office

  • No one is allowed to visit classrooms/teachers without pre-arranged appointments

Field Trip Guidelines for Parents

Guidelines for Parent Volunteers

  • Parent Volunteers must meet the guidelines in the Safe Environment Policy, including the Protecting God's Children Workshop.

  • Parent Volunteers are expected to dress in an appropriate manner for a school field trip. No obscene or provocative (both physically or in message) clothing will be allowed.

  • All students and parents must check in with the teacher in charge so a student headcount can be taken. If you are chaperoning, do not leave the group without teacher permission.

  • Cell phones should be used for emergencies only so chaperone attention remains focused on the safety of our students.

  • Students should never be left unattended and chaperones should stick to the trip’s agenda.

  • Be aware of any allergies or medical issues with your group of students (the teacher will tell you). Do not bring or purchase snacks or treats for students.

  • For unstructured events (e.g. Detroit Zoo, Greenfield Village) teachers will carry a cell phone and can be reached at any time. Groups may be required to meet at designated times during the day.


OLGC School relies on fundraising to help cover the cost to educate. Parents are expected to volunteer and support our school through its fundraising efforts.

Our fundraising events are:

  • Fall Bash: parent only event in the Fall with live/silent auction

  • OLGC Scholarship Fund Appeal: direct appeal in the Winter to support student scholarships

  • Fun Run: student led event in the Spring with families/friends sponsoring students